Our network of professionals has direct industry experience with some of the industry’s leading players, and includes:
- Oil & Gas Specialists
- Power Specialists
- Carbon Market Analysts
- Economists
- Commercial Analysts
- Engineers (Petroleum, Electrical and Chemical)
We offer a more focused approach to client needs by finding innovative and leading edge solutions for current or anticipated industry challenges. Each assignment is designed to enable the client to establish a leading position in the market and help them become more competitive and focused on growth opportunities.
We have shown that we can identify the key issues and opportunities facing our clients in the upstream oil and gas industry, providing practical tailored solutions
We continually apply innovative and creative thinking to the challenges that face individual companies, governments and the upstream industry.
Our consultants have worked on the following types of assignments - please note that this is an illustrative listing of our experience and assignments and is not exhaustive:
Power Studies
-Analysis of potential liabilities to specific portfolios eg wind
-Analysis of the effect of additions of specific projects to grids
-Power price forecasting
-Gas to Power project analysis
Carbon Market Studies
-Analysis of potential liabilities to specific portfolios
-Analysis of the effects of carbon regulation
-Carbon price forecasting
Gas and LNG Market Studies
-Supply/Demand overviews and projections
-Analysis of the effects of deregulation
-Market dynamics (mature and immature markets)
-Detailed market studies including analysis of customers and alternative fuels
-Spot market analysis and modelling
-Arbitrage models for LNG
-Price forecasting
-Risk management and wholesaling of gas portfolios
-Business models
-Power demand forecasting and its impact on gas demand
- effect of carbon prices on gas developments
Independent Asset and Company Evaluations
-Economic evaluation of individual and portfolio of upstream and gas assets
-Solar and Battery Installations
-Optimization of development scenarios
-Integration valuations
-Portfolio management
-Real option and flexibility analysis
-Identification of key economic drivers to enable client to focus decision making and field design
Infrastructure Studies
-Review of transportation options for potential developments
-Review of Central Asian/East Siberian export routes
-Gas storage
-Pipeline studies
Negotiation/Commercial support
-Source and price options for gas supply to new power projects
-LNG contract negotiation support
Financial and Economic Modeling
-Development of models for commercial evaluation of assets Technology , oil and gas , petchem , refining
-Customized economic models
Acquisition and Disposal studies
Technology reviews and valuations
-Technology surveys, review of use of technology in companies
-Technology forecasting
-Clean coal technology
-CCS and EOR
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